Our SUNFISH® AUV in Peacock Springs, Florida.
Stone Aerospace is a Texas-based company dedicated to developing smart systems and tools needed to explore today’s frontiers (both space and underwater), to survive and work on the frontier, to characterize it, and to exploit it.
Our people are both seasoned expeditionary scientists and explorers, best-of-class engineers and software developers. Our team personally uses the equipment we design in demanding environments. We are novel, lean, fast moving, and cutting-edge. We strive to change the way things are done, cut red tape, and get reliable hardware into the field rapidly. Our business structure and extensive partnerships allow us to swiftly assemble extraordinary multi-disciplinary teams to tackle complex high-tech projects.
We specialize in autonomous systems, mobile robotics, fiber-tethered and Wi-Fi controlled vehicles, re-entry vehicles, novel spacecraft architectures, propulsion, structures and dynamics, manned systems, closed-cycle life support, spacesuit PLSS and spacecraft ECLSS systems, 3D mapping (both laser radar and high resolution sonar), guidance and navigation systems, auto-docking systems (ladar, optical, gps-aided, imu-aided, dvl-aided, sonar, usbl), embedded devices, high density power systems, head-up displays, and smart devices.
Time-lapse video of the assembly of our ARTEMIS AUV