More Aurora Australis!

Aurora australis over Discovery Hut and sea ice in McMurdo Sound. (photo: Peter Kimball)
We were smiled upon with ANOTHER aurora event this past Saturday night. These aurora were just as amazing as the ones we saw last Tuesday night. A group of us went out to Hut Point and found ourselves giggling and wowing aloud as the beautiful display transpired. I wondered if I should make ANOTHER aurora post… YES!… and I’ll do it again if we’re lucky enough to see another display!
Once again, it was fiercely cold – wind chill below -55 C, according to the NASA building sensors. Even in our full gear, we were only able to stay outside for about an hour before we had to head in. Just inside the dorm, I took this picture of Josh in the last moment before my cold camera lens fogged up completely:

Josh – even happier than he is cold after viewing the aurora australis. (photo: Peter Kimball)
Reporting by Peter Kimball