Oct 2024:
Stone Aerospace is excited to announce that it has partnered with The IPA Group to advance novel spacecraft, reentry vehicles, and astronaut EVA life support systems technology. Read more.
December 2020:
Bill Stone gave a presentation at the virtual 2020 AGU Fall Meeting.
11 September 2020:
Bill Stone gave a presentation at the 2020 virtual Astrobiology Australasia Meeting.

26 August 2020:
Bill Stone joined Stefan Oland on his podcast Discovering the Story, where they talked space exploration, ocean worlds, and more.
3 June 2020:
Bill Stone joined cave diver Richard Harris on his podcast Real Risk. Listen to their discussion here, or look for Episode 3, “Stone Under Earth and Water”, wherever you listen to podcasts.
4 November 2019:
Many leading Ocean Worlds scientists and engineers came together at the Stone Aerospace headquarters to brainstorm ideas for a potential Europa-analog field observatory in a polar field site on Earth.
1 August 2019:
Stone Aerospace’s ARTEMIS and VALKYRIE projects are featured in the new children’s book, Revolutionary Robots in Space. Preview the book on Google Books here, or you can purchase the book at Amazon here.
8 July 2019:
National Geographic aired an update to “Explorer: Journey to an Alien Moon”, which included new footage of our ARCHIMEDES project.

5 July 2019:
Stone Aerospace’s ARCHIMEDES project made the news in this article in Wired Magazine that discusses NASA’s plans to visit Europa.
1 March 2019:
This article from Astronomy Magazine, discussing a number of Stone Aerospace projects, is featured in the March print edition of Discover Magazine.
14 November 2018:
Universe Today covered ARCHIMEDES‘s research into melting through Europa’s crust.
13 November 2018:
NASA did a write-up on the technology behind Stone Aerospace’s ARCHIMEDES project.
5 September 2018:
An article in Astronomy Magazine discussed a number of Stone Aerospace projects.
9 December 2017:
All About Circuits wrote a piece covering various Stone Aerospace projects.
10 May 2017:
Both VALKYRIE and ARTEMIS robots were featured in Vice’s Motherboard story covering the search for extraterrestrial life.
15 July 2016:
The Stone Aerospace ARTEMIS vehicle and our work in Antarctica are highlighted in articles on The Antarctic Sun: A robotic rehearsal for interplanetary exploration and Voactiv: NASA prepares for interplanetary exploration with an underwater drone.
7 March 2016:
Researchers secure NASA funding for robotic search for life beneath Antarctica.
21 August 2015:
Antarctic field deployment of the SIMPLE project begins, featuring ARTEMIS AUV
24 July 2015:
Stone Aerospace’s Europa technology development projects featured in Popular Mechanics
11 July 2015:
Bill Stone participated in a Voices from Oxford conference and webcast on the Search for Extraterrestrial Life – Europa and Enceladus. Watch the video here.
16 June 2015:
Popular Science discusses the VALKYRIE project in this article about the search for life on Europa
13 June 2015:
Space.com featured VALKYRIE in this article about the future of Europa exploration
12 June 2015:
Second VALKYRIE field season on the Matanuska Glacier is underway
11 June 2015:
VALKYRIE cryobot featured in Astrobiology Magazine
22 January 2015:
Stone Aerospace’s VALKYRIE cryobot mentioned in Wired article on ice-penetrator history
28 December 2014:
Role of ARTEMIS in NASA-funded SIMPLE project described in SpaceRef article
25 July 2014:
Geek.com published an article about Valkyrie’s field testing in Alaska.
23 July 2014:
The VALKYRIE project and its 2014 field season featured in New Scientist article, which included video coverage.
7 June 2014:
The Economist wrote a profile of Bill Stone, and covers Stone Aerospace’s efforts to discover extraterrestrial life on Europa. Read via PDF or on Economist.com (with subscription).
1 June 2014:
Vickie Siegel interviewed about VALKYRIE on Big Picture Science radio show and podcast
2 May 2014:
Science News describes Stone Aerospace’s work towards developing an ice-penetrating robot for Europa exploration
8 March 2013:
Stone Aerospace project photos included in the Frozen Worlds exhibit, at the Polar Museum of the Scott Polar Research Institute at the University of Cambridge.
28 February 2013:
Stone Aerospace sponsors the J2 2013 Expedition, an effort to further explore and map a cave in southern Mexico
24 May 2012:
Bill Stone featured in video promoting the new Poseidon technical diving rebreather, the first “dive by wire” closed-cycle life-support system
2 May 2012:
Bill Stone interviewed with Wired Magazine to discuss the ways SpaceX’s historic launch will impact NASA and mankind’s presence in space.
20 April 2012:
Bill Stone discusses the newly-released details of the VALKYRIE cryobot in this article in Wired Magazine
20 May 2011:
Time magazine discussed the details of VALKYRIE in this article.
19 April 2012:
Stone Aerospace reveals Project VALKYRIE details.
19 May 2011:
Stone Aerospace wins Phase 2 funding for Project VALKYRIE.
17 January 2011:
Bill Stone and Shackleton Energy mentioned in this Space.com article on lunar bases.
13 January 2011:
Bill Stone interviewed by Space.com regarding Shackleton Energy’s plan to mine water on the moon.
22 October 2010:
Stone Aerospace mentioned in this Washington Post article about recent findings of NASA’s LCROSS mission.
19 April 2010:
Bill Stone and Shackleton Energy Company featured in May 2010 Discover Magazine cover story (PDF).
9 April 2010:
ENDURANCE second Antarctic field season featured in this article on NBC News
24 March 2010:
ENDURANCE featured on National Geographic’s Explorer Series
6 October 2009:
ENDURANCE AUV Begins Second Season in Antarctica
6 June 2009:
IEEE publishes article Mining the Moon, written by Dr. Bill Stone
5 June 2009:
NASA Approves Upgrade Funding for Endurance 2009 Antarctic Field Season
22 May 2009:
First Antarctic field season of ENDURANCE featured in Antarctic Sun, newsletter of the U. S. Antarctic Program
26 November 2008:
ENDURANCE AUV Begins Antarctica Mission at Lake Bonney, Taylor Valley, Antarctica
1 July 2008:
ENDURANCE AUV passes U.S. government deployment readiness review – Off to Antarctica
21 June 2008:
ENDURANCE AUV tested at NASA’s Neutral Buoyancy Lab (NBL)/Space Act Agreement
3 March 2008:
Stone Aerospace commercializes new underwater rebreather for Poseidon Systems in Sweden.
29 February 2008:
Time Magazine article describes Ice Diver (ENDURANCE Antarctica Preparation).
20 February 2008:
ENDURANCE field testing in Lake Mendota featured on National Public Radio.
14 February 2008:
Scientific American Magazine article cites recent Endurance tests in Wisconsin.
13 February 2008:
Endurance AUV Ice Mission Cited in Madison Capitol Times.
11 February 2008:
Endurance Lake Mendota tests featured in Wired Magazine.
11 February 2008:
Endurance AUV deployment to Lake Mendota (Madison, Wisconsin) is covered in article on The Engineer website (UK).
30 November 2007:
AUVSI publishes significant article on Stone Aerospace projects in Unmanned Systems magazine: “Visionary Counting on Unmanned Vehicles” by Richard Tuttle; Volume 25, No. 6, Nov/Dec 2007, pgs 25-27 (correction).
20 November 2007:
Stone Aerospace offered opportunity by the NSF to house Endurance AUV in NASA-sponsored inflatable habitat in Antarctica.
1 September 2007:
IEEE article “Swimming to Europa” by Jean Kumagai cites DEPTHX accomplishments in Mexico.

5 June 2007:
Antarctic underground lakes to be studied
31 May 2007:
NASA Press Release: NASA Robot Completes Test Drive of Exploration Capabilities
15 May 2007:
DEPTHX Project was the subject of a web chat hosted by Ceci Connolly of the Washington Post. Science: NASA’s New Robot
14 May 2007:
Mexican Sinkhole May Lead NASA to Jupiter (Washington Post)
3 May 2007:
ENDURANCE Project approved by NASA.
2 May 2007:
DEPTHX being readied for final expedition to the world’s deepest water-filled cavern, El Zacatón Cenote
1 May 2007:
Space Daily covers approval of the ENDURANCE project.
22 April 2007:
Space Daily covers approval of ENDURANCE project: Antarctic Lake Robot Probe Sets Sights on Outer Space
19 March 2007:
The University of Texas featured the DEPTHX test series in their current newsletter.
16 March 2007:
DEPTHX successfully completes second test mission in Mexico — Zacaton next
14 March 2007:
Space.com interviews Bill Stone regarding lunar program.
13 March 2007:
Stone Aerospace issues press release on Shackleton Energy Company for LEO refueling stations.
10 March 2007:
Stone invited to speak at TED2007. Watch the talk here or on the TED website, or visit Bill’s TED bio page.
A quote from Bill’s talk was highlighted in the TED blog’s Day Four Wrap-Up.
7 March 2007:
DEPTHX covered in an article on space.com.

2 March 2007:
Andrés Eloy Martínez Rojas produced this video (en Español) about the DEPTHX project.
1 March 2007:
Popular Science wrote a profile covering the first DEPTHX mission to Mexico.

28 Feb 2007:
MSNBC chronicles DEPTHX progress in Mexico cavern exploration.
February 2004:
National Geographic highlights Stone’s Mexican expedition in preparation for an assault on the Moon.